Your treat from Rice Over Everything

If you’re a Cousin or a Sibling, a delicious jar of May’s Burmese Chilli will be winging its way to you with your order if you checkout in March.

This is a fully Burmese product, made by a proper Burmese chef. This is something that goes on pretty much every rice or noodle dish in Burma, a little or a lot depending on your taste. May says: “The Orig­i­nal Burmese Chili jar is packed with full of rich flavours that you can use dai­ly as a condi­ment or to add more flavour and a kick to your dishes. Great for marinating, drizzle on your noodle, rice and pasta dishes or even on pizza. I love putting it on my cheese on toast or using it as a dip­ping sauce for my dumplings!

The chilli jars are hand made by me, May. I was born in Bur­ma and now liv­ing in Man­ches­ter. The chilli jars were born dur­ing lock­down from me send­ing them to friends and fam­i­ly from near and far to show that I was think­ing of them when I couldn’t see them in per­son. The first batch was such a hit that friends start­ed ask­ing me to sell it to them. I’ve now expand­ed the range to three dif­fer­ent flavours, for all your chilli needs!”


Made by hand in Manchester. 

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